We accept cryptocurrency donations through Endaoment, a nonprofit community foundation and blockchain-powered giving platform, or Crypto for Charity, which uses an affiliated nonprofit organization called FreeWill Impact Fund for accepting donations. You can use either platform.
In either case, the donated cryptocurrency will be promptly sold into U.S. dollars and transmitted to WJI in that form.
Visit our Endaoment profile to donate crypto currency through that platform. Endaoment provides these services to WJI at no charge. Donors pay a low fee of 1.5% fee on all transactions.
To donate crypto currency through Crypto for Charity, type in "Wisconsin Justice" in their search box and Wisconsin Justice Initiative should pop up. Crypto for Charity does not charge fees.
In either case, the donated cryptocurrency will be promptly sold into U.S. dollars and transmitted to WJI in that form.
Visit our Endaoment profile to donate crypto currency through that platform. Endaoment provides these services to WJI at no charge. Donors pay a low fee of 1.5% fee on all transactions.
To donate crypto currency through Crypto for Charity, type in "Wisconsin Justice" in their search box and Wisconsin Justice Initiative should pop up. Crypto for Charity does not charge fees.