Welcome to WJI's Milwaukee County Municipal Courts page
Here you will find basic information about the 19 municipal courts in the county—where they are, website information, email links, and more. You will also find an electronic edition of the municipal court “Know Your Rights” card developed by WJI, ACLU of Wisconsin, Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee and Legal Action of Wisconsin. The card was produced through grants from the Wisconsin Law Foundation and Greater Milwaukee Foundation.
Some courts' websites better than others – a few are very good, and a few are pretty awful. If you can't find what you are looking for, call or email the court.
If you have a case in municipal court and are planning to appear, please use common sense. If your driver's license is suspended, for example, do not drive to court. A few jurisdictions check license plates; some may ask how you got to court. We will add information to this page as it becomes available.
Some courts' websites better than others – a few are very good, and a few are pretty awful. If you can't find what you are looking for, call or email the court.
If you have a case in municipal court and are planning to appear, please use common sense. If your driver's license is suspended, for example, do not drive to court. A few jurisdictions check license plates; some may ask how you got to court. We will add information to this page as it becomes available.
The ACLU of Wisconsin video below is a helpful, easy-to-understand guide to navigating your way through municipal court.
Below is Margo Kirchner's interview with Hales Corners Municipal Judge Jennine T. Sonntag about what to expect in municipal court. Her answers generally apply to any municipal court in Milwaukee County. The interview is divided into separate topics.